Bringing Ric Flair's Wooooo! Energy Drink to Ohioans

The challenge

With just days to spare, Ric Flair’s Wooooo! Energy drink needed to launch in the vital Ohio market. But the company ended up with two announcements unexpectedly sequenced within a week of each other. In addition to the drink’s launch in local grocery stores across the state, the NHL’s Columbus Blue Jackets were set to announce Wooooo! Energy as their official energy drink. Haymaker needed to ensure both moments earned proper press attention.

The Process

Haymaker packaged both announcements to position the news as an Ohio takeover. We leveraged Ric Flair’s in-market appearances to engage local reporters and arrange interviews to drive attendance to the events and raise awareness of the products arrival in the Ohio market.

The Result

By positioning the joint news as a Ohio takeover moment, we maximized the impact of the story across local and industry press.

Haymaker secured an on-site interview with the local NBC station along with local coverage in and trade coverage in Pro Wrestling Insider, The Hockey News, and eWrestling News.

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